Finding love isn’t a stroke of luck.Confession time: I was a huge fan of Sex and the City. Every year, I would watch the lives of Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte, and Miranda…Jun 15, 2023Jun 15, 2023
The mermaid turned into a princess, only this time, the prince didn’t make it to the shore.Mar 25, 2022Mar 25, 2022
The heat of the moment is a dangerous thing.Okay, I get it, that’s totally fine and natural.Jan 23, 2022Jan 23, 2022
I guess that’s the thing about relationships. Sometimes they look prettier outside.Delusional disorder is the state in which a person cannot tell what is real from what is imagined. The main feature of this disorder is the…Jan 4, 2022Jan 4, 2022
Energy block | The physical instrument of emotional repressionIt made Tyler realize that adults don’t know what they are doing either and we are all just children.Nov 17, 2021Nov 17, 2021
In a modern world, finding your soulmate is like forcing a pig to flyJames Carr once told me, just like the highway needs two-lane, a man needs a woman. He said a woman can be a contrary little thing, but she…Oct 19, 2021Oct 19, 2021