Ani Yavrenc
3 min readJan 4, 2022


I guess that’s the thing about relationships. Sometimes they look prettier outside.

Delusional disorder is the state in which a person cannot tell what is real from what is imagined. The main feature of this disorder is the presence of delusions, which are unshakable beliefs in something untrue. There are 6 types of delusional disorder, but this one caught my eye: Erotomanic- Someone with this type of delusional disorder believes that another person, often someone important or famous, is in love with him or her.

Well, I’m not saying anything but…we all had that one thought, right?

Mr. Big:

-Although there are so many god damn gorgeous women out there in this city. But the thing is this, after a while, you just want to be with the one that makes you laugh. Know what I mean?

I finally met my Mr. Big. He could supposedly be the man of my dreams, we could fall in love, travel the world, build a family and they could call us “the one, with the “vinyl thing”.

I could prepare dinner for Christmas and we could laugh about all this stupid buzz about New Year, together. We could visit my parents and I could smile with relief, that there is at least one thing that I haven’t disappointed my family.

We could fight all night and wake up every morning, knowing that all that effort and trouble we had, worth it.

We could be the normal family, with the men and wife and we could still be wild as fuck.

But Life is not always that easy and things are not always that simple, or maybe we are the ones, complicating it..not sure but still.

At the best of times, relationships are a tricky game of two and the rules are simple: you just have to be sure you’ve found the one. From swipe right on Tinder to make it past the first kiss and then the first “I’m-falling-in-love” thing and then slowly sailing into the “official marriage thing” phase seems to be a pushover, when you are sure that you’ve found the one. But what if things change over time and that feeling you had is not there anymore? How to be sure that “vinyl thing” is forever or at least, won’t let you feel alone especially when you are together. But, if you do make it into the couple phase the next issue is, are they truly ‘The One?’

So the question seemed to be serious enough to start my investigation on Buzzfeed. It’s always better to talk to someone who is a qualified love expert and it’s always better to accept those answers as dogma.’s article ( “PSYCHOLOGISTS REVEAL HOW YOU KNOW YOU’VE FOUND ‘THE ONE’” ) suggested: DO YOU FEEL CALM, AT PEACE, AND GENUINELY HAPPY? THAT IS A GREAT INDICATOR.

Jeannie Assimos, Chief of Advice at online dating site eHarmony claimed that when you’ve found the one, the relationship just flows and things are fairly easy.

Yet, I’m not sure about the dating apps, BuzzFeed can never lie.


According to a 2005 study conducted by experts at Stony Brook University in New York, this is because genuine love and attachment modify the biological responses going place in your brain.

When you think about The One, you’ll get a surge of happiness-boosting neurotransmitter dopamine plus a lighting up of the brain’s reward centers.

All these made me feel trapped even more. No matter how far you travel or how much you run from it, can you ever really detach from your past?


Well, I guess that’s the thing about relationships. Sometimes they look prettier outside.

