In a modern world, finding your soulmate is like forcing a pig to fly

Ani Yavrenc
2 min readOct 19, 2021

James Carr once told me, just like the highway needs two-lane, a man needs a woman. He said a woman can be a contrary little thing, but she means a whole world to a man.

So I started to investigate.

The idea of finding your soulmate has been floating around practically forever. While some people believe, that there is that one person waiting for them, destined to be their other half, others label it as total bullshit. But we all know one thing for sure: there is no smoke without fire.

The word “soulmate” first appeared in 1882, Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s letter, stating: “To be happy in Married Life, you must have a soul-mate” and that was the time when we all got fucked up.

While in the 21st century, the sea is full of other fish, finding your soulmate is like forcing a pig to fly…but we still, do not give up. Even though we perfectly understand that a soulmate is your traveler on the journey of life and you being alone doesn’t go in parallel with being lonely, we still nourish ourselves with the songs, books, and movies about those happy couples, traveling and exploring the world.

But what happens to those, who maybe missed their soulmates on a subway stop or that time when a stranger offered them a ride and they foolishly refused it, thinking of him as a maniac? What happens to those, who only think that they’ve found the one? What about those, who at some point stopped searching?…and what about those, who don’t believe in soulmates?

Is this like a heaven-thing? If you believe it, life seems easier…if not, fuck off and act responsible, cuz adultery is not easy-peasy.

What if you are the one who found one, but you are not the one? Is it a bilateral thing?

…3 more minutes, still no sign of a party.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge, seriously, fuck you.

